曾晞(Zeng Xi),男,教授,应用化学专业应用有机方向、化学专业分析方向硕士生导师。毕业于贵州大学化学系有机化学专业。曾在日本佐贺大学从事杯芳烃传感器合作研究。长期从事超分子体系中新型大环化合物、功能有机分子的合成及超分子识别体系构建。近期的研究为多种构型杯芳烃、三角架、席夫碱分子探针的合成,对阴、阳离子高选择性、高灵敏响应的荧光探针构建。主持和参加过多项国家及省部级科学基金项目研究工作。在Dalton Trans.、Sensors and Actuators B、J. Inc. Phen. 、Sci China Ser B-Chem等SCI收录期刊发表研究论文30余篇。

Email: zeng xi1962@163.com.

2003.12 –         贵州大学化学与化学工程学院,教授
2004.09 – 2005.08  日本佐贺大学,理工学部化学与应用化学科,访问学者
1996.09 – 2003.10  贵州大学理学院化学系,副教授

研究方向:1. 应用有机化学)
2. 分析化学 (超分子及荧光探针技术);

1. 氮核三角架荧光探针合成及性质研究,教育部“春晖计划”项目(Z2012053),2013.6-2015.12。(在研)
2. 新型杯芳烃荧光探针的合成及性质研究,贵州省国际科技合作计划项目(黔科合外G字20107002号),2010.6-2012.12。(结题)


1. Yu Fu, Lan Mu, Xi Zeng*, Jiang-Lin Zhao, et al. An NBD-armed thiacalix[4]arene-derived colorimetric and fluorometric chemosensor for silver cation: a metal-ligand receptor of anions. Dalton Trans., 2013, 42: 3552-3560. (SCI)
2. Min Deng, Lan Mu, Xi Zeng*, Xue-Kai Jiang, et al. Synthesis and Structure of a Novel Thiacalix[4]arene based Triazine Derivative. Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2013, 25(1): 512-514. (SCI)
3. Xue-Kai Jiang, Min Deng, Lan Mu, Xi Zeng*, et al. Synthesis and Crystal Structure of a Novel Hexahomotrioxacalix[3]cryptand. Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2013, 25(1): 515-517. (SCI)
4. Jiang-Lin Zhao, Ling-Fei Zhang, Shi-Fen Feng, Qun-Fei Yan, Xi Zeng*, et al. New Tripodal Naphthalene Derivative for Zn2+ and Albumin with High Selectivity and Sensitivity, Sensor Letters, 2012, 10(1-2): 73-77. (SCI)
5. Ling-Fei Zhang, Jiang-Lin Zhao, Xi Zeng*, Lan Mu, et al. Tuning with pH: The selectivity of a new rhodamine B derivative chemosensor for Fe3+ and Cu2+. Sensors and Actuators B. 2011, 160: 662-669. (SCI)
6.Xiang-Yong Zheng, Wen-Juan Zhang, Lan Mu, Xi Zeng*, et al. A Novel Rhodamine-Based Thiacalix[4]arene Fluorescent Sensor for Fe3+ and Cr3+. J Incl Phenom Macrocycl Chem. 2010, 68:139-146. (SCI)
7. Xiang-Yong Zheng, Wen-Juan Zhang, Lan Mu, Xi Zeng*, et al. A Novel Rhodamine-Based Thiacalix[4]arene Fluorescent Sensor for Fe3+ and Cr3+. J Incl Phenom Macrocycl Chem. 2010, 68: 139-146. (SCI)
8. Chong Wu, Wen-Juan Zhang, Xi Zeng*, Lan Mu, et al. New fluorescent sensor for antimony and transition metal cations based on rhodamine amide-arm homotrioxacalix[3]arene. J Incl Phenom Macrocycl Chem. 2010, 66:125-131. (SCI)
9.Zeng Xi, Wu Chong, Dong Lei, Mu Lan, et al. A new tripodal rhodamine B derivative as a highly selective and sensitive fluorescence chemosensor for copper(II). Sci China Ser B-Chem, 2009, 52(4): 523-528. (SCI)
10. Xi Zeng, Lei Dong, Chong Wu, Lan Mu, et al. Highly sensitive chemosensor for Cu(II) and Hg(II) based on the tripodal rhodamine receptor. Sensors and Actuators B. 2009, 141:506-510. (SCI)

1. 发明人:王瑞晓、曾晞、牟兰、余梅、孙强,吡啶基三氮唑甲基取代的吖啶衍生物及其制备方法和应用,中国专利,公开号:CN 103012375 B(2014)