化学与化工学院邀请新加坡国立大学S. Kawi和K. Hidajat教授开展线上学术讲座


  为贯彻落实党的二十大精神,加强与国外高校的学术学科交流合作,切实推动人才队伍建设和学科建设,坚持以生为本,提高同学们的科研能力,2022年11月11日,我院化工系教工党支部书记李自卫教授邀请新加坡国立大学两位教授S. Kawi和K. Hidajat分别为研究生作学术讲座,全体研究生参加。讲座由李自卫教授主持。

  首先,S. Kawi教授为全体研究生讲授了题为“Innovating Sustainable Catalyst & Membrane Systems for Tacking CO2 and H2 Challenges”的学术讲座。S. Kawi教授介绍了Ni基核壳催化剂在干重整方面的应用以及目前存在的挑战。之后,Hidajat教授以“Background/Motivation in Research”为题,从文献调研、实验设计、结果讨论、论文撰写等研究过程的各个环节,向同学们生动的讲述了如何独立的完成研究型硕士论文。随后在互动环节,同学们踊跃提问,两位教授进行了详细且精彩的解答。



   Prof. Kawi focuses on the integration of catalyst with membranes for tackling energy and environmental challenges. He has published > 350 journal papers (citations > 21,500, h index = 78), 5 US Patents, 1 book, 6 book chapters, and presented > 30 Plenary / Keynote Lectures. He is the World’s Most Highly Cited Researcher (2021, Clarivate). He has also edited > 12 special issues as Guest Editors for Chemical Engineering Journal etc. He currently serves as an Associate Editor of Frontiers in Energy Research, Frontiers in Chemical Engineering, as well as the Editorial Board member of Journal of CO2 Utilization etc. He was the Chair of 2015-ICCDU (13th International Conference on Carbon Dioxide Utilization) held in Singapore, and co-chairs of several ACS Symposia on CO2 Capture and Utilization.

   Prof. Hidajat is an Honorary Fellow at the Department of Chemical and Biomelcular Engineering, National University of Singapore. He obtained his Bachelor degree (B.Sc. 1st Class Hon.) in Chemical Engineering from University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST), and PhD degree from University of Cambridge. His research areas were in the adsorption (using Simulated Moving Bed for difficult compounds such as fructose and glucose mixtures), catalysis and membrane reactor. He has published > 250 journal papers (citations > 10730, h index = 57) and 2 US Patents.