College introduction
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The School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at Guizhou University originated from the former Department of Chemical Engineering at Guizhou Institute of Technology and the former Department of Chemistry at Guizhou University, established in 1958. It currently has the Department of Chemical Engineering and Department of Chemistry, as well as the University Chemistry Teaching and Experimental Center. At present, there are 111 in-service faculty members and 101 full-time teachers in the college, including 27 professors, 29 associate professors, 41 with doctoral degrees, 37 with master's degrees, 11 doctoral students, 1 young and middle-aged expert with outstanding contributions to the country, 1 expert in the national Hundred, Thousand, Ten Thousand Talents Project, and 3 recipients of special government allowances from the State Council; 2 provincial core experts, 3 provincial management experts, 3 provincial outstanding young scientific and technological talents, 3 provincial innovative talent training objects at the hundred level, and 2 provincial thousand level talent training objects. There are over 1500 undergraduate students, 283 graduate students, and 25 doctoral students currently enrolled.

The college has doctoral degree authorization points for the first level discipline of chemistry and the second level discipline of materials chemistry engineering; The master's degree authorization points for two first level disciplines, chemistry and chemical engineering and technology, materials science, and chemical engineering. Has provincial-level characteristic key disciplines in Chemical Engineering and Technology, as well as two provincial-level key disciplines in Chemistry and Chemical Technology; There are eight undergraduate majors including Chemistry, Applied Chemistry, Materials Chemistry, Chemical Biology, Chemical Engineering and Technology, Energy Chemical Engineering, Process Equipment and Control Engineering, and Inorganic Non Metallic Materials Engineering; The major of Chemical Engineering and Technology was selected for the National Excellent Engineer Training Program in 2013 and officially passed the Engineering Education Professional Certification of the Ministry of Education in January 2018; The college currently has three provincial-level key laboratories: high-performance computational chemistry, macrocyclic chemistry and supramolecular chemistry, and green chemical engineering and clean energy technology in Guizhou Province. It also has the Guizhou Industrial Waste Efficient Utilization Engineering Center, a provincial-level experimental teaching demonstration center for chemical engineering, as well as a chemical and environmental research and testing center and an occupational health technology service research center that have passed metrological certification. The college actively promotes interdisciplinary integration and penetration, integrating basic research and applied research, adhering to high-quality education, based in Guizhou, serving the local area, and striving to build a distinctive and high-level talent training and scientific research base.

In the past five years, our teachers have undertaken more than 800 scientific research projects, including the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the National High tech Research and Development Program (863 Program), provincial and ministerial level scientific research projects, and enterprise horizontal projects, with a total funding of over 60 million yuan. They have published over 800 academic papers in various academic journals at home and abroad, of which over 300 have been included in SCI, EI, and ISTP. Applied for over 150 national invention patents, obtained over 80 national patents, and received 5 provincial-level scientific research achievement awards, including 2 second prizes and 4 third prizes. Some scientific research achievements have been put into practice and have achieved good social and economic benefits.

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